However, want to recall a kenduri-like event earlier in April. Arina, my niece turned 1 on the 19th of April, so we had an early celebration. There were plenty of yummy food, plenty of people (all the uncles & aunts were invited) & plenty of noise created by the geng bas sekolah. Mind you there are only 3 under 12 kids (4 counting the b'day girl) - but were they loud! Mom ordered the b'day cake which was nicely decorated & yummy too.

Somebody's been asking me about the Spiderman stickers @ the back of my car. Wait till you see this Spiderman! Can you recognize him? The difference between this spidey & the one in the tv, this one's wearing a 'kain pelikat'. Mesti susah Spidey nak bergayut sbb pakai kain...