Went to a wedding in Klang. Aiman was very excited because we've promised him to 'jalan-jalan' today.
"Nak pegi rumah org. kawin & pegi library, tengok books" he told everyone.
He got a goody bag @ the rumah org kawin which contains sorts of tidbits. Hubby got a nice bunga telur.
While I got a creative arrangement of potpourri made of kulit kayu manis (cinnamon) & star anise (apa tuuu ... bunga lawang lah).
Then we started off to Perpustakaan Raja Tun Uda. Aiman loves the spaciousness of the place, not to mention the books there.
Just look at his face ...
He even insisted on doing the borrowing himself. Took my card & the 3 books & headed to the counter, "nak pegi bayar". Dia ingat mcm kat tesco @ giant ke.
Anyway it's a good experience for him. And he wanted to go again & borrow books.