At last, I managed to set up my own blog! Joining the list of bloggers in the faculty. Pheww ... after much tinkering with the buttons etc.
I got this new book as a belated b'day gift from my sister today, which is about 1 month late (at least she's better than me). I got her birthday gift 3 month later. Soo busylah that time.

So guys ... have to sign off. Till later .... Ciao
The idea came to me while I'm stuck with the final exam papers ...
Josh, Pn. A, Pn. Tod, Moshee ... u know what I'm talking about. Anyway I'm done with my papers. Lucky for me I got a small class this semester. Don't want to talk yet about next sem, 2 big classes to handle ... headache youuu.
Anyway, for now, it's time to relax2 & goyang kaki sikit. And this book seems like the best thing to indulge in.
So for the next month of Dec, I'm going to bury my nose in this 2 books.
I'm an amateur in photography .... tak mcm ada org tu kannn. So readers (ada ke readers pun?) have to bear with some blur images & what not.
Anyway, wanted to share some pics of my "buah hati" entitled "Sehari di ofis mama & jumpa kawan baru pulak".
Amboiiiiiiiiiiii... pasal photo tu kan, amateur ke?? siapa yang expert tu?? nak kenal.
Welcome to the club. Rajin-rajin blogging ye.
Dah agak dah sapa yg leave 1st comment nih .... yelah amatur, ntah ler sapa yg expert tu.
amboi..dia dah ada blog..congrats
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