This was during last weekend. Hubby had some projects going on in the garden, so the little boy decided to join daddy. Seemed so busy with his toy handphone and lorry. Luckily he forgot about his Bob the Builder construction hat. Otherwise I'd have to find it for him.

One thing I found out about my son, he loves to draw. Here's a masterpiece from him, on the wall of my office.
Naper spiderman x keluar kali nih? frust laaaa.
Waaa Aiman pandai melukis. Lala kena scan lukisan tu, simpan sampai dia besar, tunjuk kat dia.
Spiderman dah malu lah. Sbb gambar dia satu dunia boleh tengok, pakai kain pelekat. Anyway, good suggestion la Josh. Will do that later.
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