The previous weekend was full of 'kenduris'. It's a kind of practice in some places that people will offer 'kenduri' when Ramadhan is coming. It could be any kind of 'kenduri'; kenduri arwah, doa selamat or kenduri kahwin. We attended the kenduri 2 days in a row, which ended yesterday with a kenduri kahwin. All the foods were delicious but we can only eat that much. Besides, I've started to be a picky eater, trying to avoid all those yummy sambal udang & rendang daging. Don't know lah, just doesn't have the appetite for spicy foods for now.
My youngest sister came back bringing a big plastic pool. Aiman & his cousin Arina were very happy splashing around in the pool. No pics of that since I forgot to bring my camera. But those two kids were happy in the water, they don't want to come out. Wish the other two cousins were there to complete the rowdy bunch of 'Geng bas sekolah'.
tanak spicy yer... Jom Johny's!
Erm... kalo lain kali nak ambik gambar Aiman main air ngan gang bas sekolah tu, pastikan pakaian Aiman betul yer.. Bukan spiderman ber kain pelikat, ataupun Ultraman, mau pun comeltron.
Sekarang la time nk lg nk kena puasa..pastu kena pantang lak...
[Josh] Ces ... time org puasa barulah dia ajak pegi John's. Tak ikhlas sungguh....
[Puan Tod] Betul...betul...betul. Panjang tu masanya ... tp insya allah ada gap sempat raya kan....
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