Ever experience this condition?
It starts this morning on the way to work. My fuel tank looks more or less like this.

This is all I have as a consequence of the non-fucntioning ATM. Kesiannyerrr ....
Arriving at the office, there were barely many cars. Takkan semua org mogok kot? Well ... to cut it short, almost everyones' not in the mood of working. Me ... I'm done with my markings HA HA HA ... but quite bored becoz nothing to do. Maybe everyone's looking forward to next week. Raja Haji .... & it seems most of the faculty members are going to take leave. But for now we have to bear this dragging week ....
To make things worse, the internet connection seems to be down all day. Lagi ler buringgg... Moshee came to my room having a lil chat. Rupanya aku tidak keseorangan dalam keboringan ni. But there's this mamat yang rupanya worse than me. At least I label my day as blue Monday. Rupanya dia ni lagi terukk .... he described his as blue black Monday to black Monday terus. Dasat mamat ni ... Mcm kenal ajer .
Oklah ... nak balik. Ciao
Amboooiiiiii.... mengata siang-siang sila lah pandang-pandang ye..
Siapalah mamat biru tua tu??
Rajinnyerrr dia update blog. Teruskan usaha. Nanti saya belanja cis kek.
dah siap marking? meh tolong sy..ada 192 skrip ni
welcome to the club..pas ni kena buat award sapa update blog la..hahaha..tapi ada alasan kan, kalo network selalu down? :p
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