Aiman went to the party reluctantly, but after a while doesn't want to go back. Had some cakes & snacks.
Busy playing with the other kids.
What amazes me was that the two kakak masterminders managed to round up every available kids from the neighbourhood. Our n'hood is a close one (kaw perumahan kecik jer). Everybody knows everybody (plus the kids). So, every Raya we had this gathering where we'll masak2 & mkn sendiri. So, menurun lah pada the kids. Here's the chief mastermind - Kakak Syira [tudung coklat] (busy discussing the events of the day). They even organized a simple telematch!
This is the birthday girl - Kakak Nani with Adik Ulfah.
Aiman & Haris - tengok apa tu? Btw, Aiman is far too big for his toy car (tapi nak jugak keluarkan sbb Haris naik car tu).
Aiman didn't join the others during the telematch. He was busy playing with Haris (berangan jadi leader Haris follow jer)
1 comment:
Now I know where does Aiman's "malu-malu kucing tapi mau" behaviour come from. Kaaaaaannnn Puan Lala??
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