As told earlier, I went to the FACON edu. fair @ PWTC with 2 bodyguards on tow. Not very happening at the level we're at (level 3). Seems like most people are attacking the 4th floor where overseas colleges are situated. Note the deserted booths. Not to forget it's almost Raya Haji, hence the crowd.
But there's this lil boy who seems so busy. Seems to be enjoying himself amidst the crowd.
Wants to check everything. Sampai bawah meja pun dia jenguk. (Apalah dia buat ni...)
Luckily my 2 colleagues doesn't seem to mind.
Nothing much to tell here. All in all, it's a good experience for me ... and my son. This was what he looked like @ the end of the day ..... Dah penat lari keliling semua booths & hubby had to chase after him.

Like mother like son..... kesian your hubby. hahahaha
Eh my hubby did it with sincerity lah .... (ya ke ... ntah2 rasa mcm kene paksa). Layannn
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